I host the Supernova: Commencements series where we interview thought leaders from across industry and give students (and young professionals) LIVE access to ask their questions on career, life, school, whatever!
Today I spoke with Pamela Peynado who is Partner at Lee & Peynado Immigration Law Group.
We talked about being in the room (Hamilton reference!), the importance of mock trial, doing the hard work, proving your worth and being over-prepared, and asking – refuse to be denied! Check out her advice!
Your Career Powered By Data (thanks to our partner Steppingblocks):
The most common education background for a career in Immigration Law is a Degree in Law.
*Check out their robust system to help you make some career decisions based on big data. You can link to them from our website and start using the system for free.
Helpful Links:
Pamela Peynado – http://bit.ly/3wkkKWF
Lee & Peynado Immigration Law Group – http://bit.ly/3yO3tHH
Steppingblocks – https://bit.ly/snc-careerdata
SuperNova: Commencements Schedule – http://bit.ly/snc-schedule
#students #careeradvice #enjoythejourney #futureleaders #commencement #supernovacommencements
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