I host the Supernova: Commencements series where we interview thought leaders from across industry and give students (and young professionals) LIVE access to ask their questions on career, life, school, whatever!

Today I spoke with Cynthia Hardy – Founder & CEO of Pivot Global Partners and Author of Crossing Meridians.

I was so energized after our chat! We talked about the importance of being honest with yourself and how that will take you far in your career, why you should be a lifelong learner, how to pivot well (and what it is!). Cynthia even took us through a lil’ business finance 101 explaining fixed vs variable costs – things you absolutely need to know if you start a biz!


Your Career Powered By Data (thanks to our partner Steppingblocks):
Careers to checkout based on our guest today – insurance, entrepreneurship, consulting, writing.

*Check out their robust system to help you make some career decisions based on big data. You can link to them from our website and start using the system for free.


Helpful Links:
Cynthia Hardy – http://bit.ly/3c1GRu8
Pivot Global – http://bit.ly/3sJK4o5
Book: Crossing Meridians – http://bit.ly/3qziXdE

Steppingblocks – https://bit.ly/snc-careerdata

SuperNova: Commencements Schedule – http://bit.ly/snc-schedule

#students #careeradvice #enjoythejourney #futureleaders #commencement #supernovacommencements