I host the Supernova: Commencements series where we interview thought leaders from across industry and give students (and young professionals) LIVE access to ask their questions on career, life, school, whatever!

Today I spoke with Aretta Baumgartner. Aretta is Education Director for the Center for Puppetry Arts and is the arts administrator there. She’s also directed and had some really fun experiences.

We talked about storytelling through objects (hello marketers!), the role of puppets for adults, the power of stillness, and the difference between child-like and childish. Aretta talked about not letting your ego dictate the story we should tell. She also introduced us to a special guest. 🙂

In our Your Career Powered By Data segment (by our partner Steppingblocks):
The most common education background for the Performing Arts is a degree in…Performing Arts. Lots more interesting details in the segment! Check it out.

*Check out their robust system to help you make some career decisions based on big data. You can link to them from our website and start using the system for free.

Helpful Links:
Aretta Baumgartner – http://bit.ly/3oK20vV
Center for Puppetry Arts – http://bit.ly/2LpcnHo

Steppingblocks – https://bit.ly/snc-careerdata

SuperNova: Commencements Schedule – http://bit.ly/snc-schedule

#students #careeradvice #enjoythejourney #futureleaders #commencement #supernovacommencements